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Ad Elements

This tab is created solely for one of my classes during my Fall 2015 semester, Advertising Elements and Execution, taught by Dr. Myleea Hill. I will be posting assignments throughout the semester, so if you would like to see some of my work, feel free to check it out!

Client: Memphis Zoo


Medium: Newspaper (1/8 page)


Slug: "They may come from frozen temperatures, but they will warm your heart."


Penguin photo courtesy of 



Memphis Zoo logo courtesy of

Parody Ad Assignment

Levi's vs. Morris Alterations


Medium: Newspaper


I parodied the Levi's ad using the David statue by Michelangelo to market their jeans.


I made my own business and made the other statue's jeans too tight, marketing that you can make them fit better with Morris Alterations.


Left to Right Brain Ad

American Heart Association

"31 Percent"


I took an ad with just information about cardiovascular disease and made it emotional by including friends and how you do not want to lose them by not informing them.

Right to Left Brain Ad

Miami-Dade Adoption Center

"A True Friend is Always There"


I took an ad that highlighted the loyalty of dogs through it all, and then I made it more logical by adding benefits of owning a pet.

#23: One-Liners and Banners


#1: Johnson & Johnson

(Dental Floss Ad)


"Never forget to put flossing in your daily flow."

#2: Pineapples

(Fruit Ad)


"No pine or apple needed. #APineappleADay"

#3: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

(Service Ad)


"There is no St. Jude without 'U.'"

#4: SONY 4K Ultra HD

(Existing Brand)


"See the details you never knew existed."

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